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Monday, October 18, 2010

Commemorating the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement - Falls Church, VA, Saturday, October 23, 2010

Commemorating the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement - Falls Church, VA, Saturday, October 23, 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm

The Cambodian Americans for Human Rights and Democracy (CAHRAD) and the Cambodian community in the greater Washington, DC will join a world-wide rally and commemoration of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement by sponsoring a lunch event in Falls Church, VA, on Saturday, October 23, 2010, 12:30-2:30 pm.

Nineteen years ago (1991) - eighteen countries and Cambodia's representatives - were gathering in Paris signing under the auspices of the United Nation General Secretary the so-called "Paris Peace Agreement" to return Cambodia to a peaceful, independence, and democratic nation after tremendous suffering and oppressive under genocidal Khmer Rouge regime and illegal invading Communist Vietnamese forces.

October 23rd is a historical, memorable, and unforgettable day for every nationalist Cambodian. Cambodians around the globe - individuals, small groups, big groups, organizations will celebrate to appreciate and grateful to the United Nations, the countries, and distinguished personalities who are thoughtful and committed to provide well-being, fair, and justice to all mankind. At the same time we are gathering to assess and evaluate the outcome of the Agreement.

Date and Time:
Saturday, October 23, 2010
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Speakers: Dr. Khu Kim Tuy and Mr. Saunora Prum

Harvest Moon Restaurant
7260 Arlington Blvd
Falls Church, VA 22042

Lunch: $12 per person

Please RSVP by 5 pm on Friday, October 22, by contacting one of the following:
Contact: Email:

For further information, please contact the following members of the Cambodian Americans for Human Rights and Democracy.

Mr. Hean Yuth 703-201-6248
Mr. Tung Yap 703-675-3997
Mr. Mong Heng 703-256-3295
Dr. Khu Kim Tuy 301-603-7466
Mr. Vibol Tan 703-881-8035


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